Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my FIRST blog and thank you so much for checking out my website! I am glad you are here and have found a comfortable place to be!

As you may already know, my name is Monica and I am the founder and business owner of Monica Writes. I am a Freelance Writer who loves to figure out ways to say something more creative. I have enjoyed writing articles as I have been doing so for the past three years now. I have been published in newsletters, blogs, and newspapers, with topics ranging from human interests stories to productivity blogs. I have also enjoyed working on flyers, newsletters, and brochures. As of right now, I am a general author in terms of what I write, but I hope as I learn and grow in my skills, my specialties will change and grow narrower.

So why freelance writing? I have always had the dream of staying at home and writing. I never once envisioned myself at a 9-5 job, working, picking up kids from school and events, and then coming home to cook supper. That has never been something I personally wanted to do. I knew one could make a living freelancing on the internet and I had planned to do that someday.

I am in Wyoming now and thanks to my previous job at Big Brothers Big Sisters, I have met fantastic people who I can network with. I was in a position where I met so many people in clubs, rotaries, networking groups, and commercial retail, that I have a good networking system in which I am confident in launching my freelance career. I am hoping to get involved with a professional networking group in my area that works with the Chambers of Commerce which help expose young professionals, much like myself.

Why have I chosen to start now? Good question. I really wished I would have started sooner, but, I didn’t. Writing has been one of my loves for a very long time. I wrote for The Kaiserslautern American, a newspaper at Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany, to gain experience in writing in print.

After arriving in Wyoming and gaining my position at Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS), in which they gave me some writing assignments that included a Letter to the Editor for National Mentoring Day and a small paragraph that was published in Traders calling out for more volunteers. Plus I wrote on Helium Network online and then starting interning with The Productivity Experts, writing blogs and newsletters for the website. All of this experience gave me the confidence I needed to want to launch my own business. Not to mention the networking I have found through my position.

Then everything started to happen at once in August 2014. My active duty Air Force husband decided to get out to join the Reserves, my contract with BBBS ended in August, we decided we wanted to buy a house and came under contract at the beginning of August, and so I thought, “Why not start my own business now?”

Another reason I wanted to get started now is because I want to be stable with work whenever we decide to have children. We have been married 3 ½ years, with the brand new house, our next natural step is children. I want to make sure that my freelancing is providing income so I can stay at home and raise my precious babies, much like my mom did with my siblings and I when we were children.

But for now, we have a 4 bedroom house; one room is an office, one is our bedroom, and two are just spaces to store items we don’t feel like unpacking right now. We have one old farty dog named Casey and a kitten named Sassy, who just loves going outside. We love our new home, our church, and the area we are in. I, for one, am grateful that God placed us here and that I am able to launch my dream business!

Until next time, write on my friends!

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